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The Place to Develop your Talent

SEIDOR is an organization where you can develop yourself professionally and personally, surrounded by large human teams with shared values and the best work experience.

The Place to Develop your Talent

SEIDOR is an organization where you can develop yourself professionally and personally, surrounded by large human teams with shared values and the best work experience.

People make our organisation unique

We grow thanks to you, and we want you to feel at home. Here we present ten important aspects of our culture that characterize SEIDOR.

Flexible schedule and work-life balance

We look after our talent by offering flexible conditions that harmonise their personal life and professional development.

SEIDOR Personnel Training

We train and remunerate our technical and professional partners to join our team smoothly.

Fulfill Yourself

Listen to different voices and bring new discoveries.

The welcome you deserve

Our onboarding program assists and accompanies you throughout the adaptation process.

SEIDOR Team Building

SEIDOR organizes different events from time to time to enrich the leisure life of partners. In addition, it also provides coffee bars, snacks to cheer up the works.

Excellent Working Environment

At SEIDOR, we help each other and companionship is part of our understanding of how we work. We like to work as a team and learn from each other.

SEIDOR Cooperation

We come from all over the world, with different backgrounds, but with the same goal. Great professionals are part of SEIDOR's ecosystem of customers, suppliers and partners.

Global mindset, local cooperation

Our company has a family background and a global mindset with a local, inclusive sensibility that respects all environments and spaces where it operates.

Close-knit leadership and participatory management

We believe in a type of leadership that helps to develop your potential, encourages participation and takes advantage of the sensibility of the needs of our teams.

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More Opportunities

If you think you have contribute to SEIDOR,
Don't hesitate to join us.